Browse the documents below.  They will tell you more about who we are and how to join our unit if you are interested in becoming a reenactor.  One important thing to remember with our group is that unlike some others, we don't expect you to have everything needed up front.  For the first few times we can help to outfit and set you up for the weekend events for a small fee of $25.  This allows you to try the hobby and see if you like it before buying all of the equipment needed as a reenactor.   The order of the documents below is as follows:

1. Our Corporate Certificate

2. Brochure on who we are and what we do.

3. Our papers showing our status as a 501 c 3. corporation

4. Enlistment papers needed to enlist in the 3rd Florida/35th Mass.

Feel free to browse these documents and if you are interested in joining us, then print off the enlistment papers and send them in to the address shown on them.  We will then be in touch with you about how to participate in the company events and to receive the company newsletter.  If you have any questions,  Contact us via the information on the contact page.

3fl 35 Mass[1].Corp. Cert  (1).pdf 3fl 35 Mass[1].Corp. Cert (1).pdf
Size : 0.05 Kb
Type : pdf
brochure [1] (1).pdf brochure [1] (1).pdf
Size : 0.09 Kb
Type : pdf
501c 3  Corp. for 3rd Fla (1).doc 501c 3 Corp. for 3rd Fla (1).doc
Size : 0.025 Kb
Type : doc
Enlistment Papers (2).doc Enlistment Papers (2).doc
Size : 0.043 Kb
Type : doc
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